How to use paypal to pay for goods & services ( Article 74 )
To pay me or anyone else using Paypal is very very easy but incase youve never used it or cant remember how to use it ill provide very detailed steps to follow so you cant go wrong .Step 1 click this link Step 2 bookmark this website in your browser by clicking bookmarks in the top left of the Firefox browser then click bookmark this page and then check the name for the website makes sense for you and youll be able to remember it and what its for ( you can edit the name to whatever you want it to say eg paypal payonline ) choose which folder to save the bookmark in eg bookmarks ( again you can create more folders in your drop down bookmarks if you save lots of websites eg you might want to group all the news websites you look at in a folder called news. If your using Internet explorer 8 browser you click favorites on the top left then add to favorites. Step 3 Then signup in the top right of Paypal's website to join them for the first time ( follow their instructions to join ..its their website so its their job to explain how to do this ) if your already a member click login in in the top right. Type your email address you gave to Paypal and your password ( or if you use Roboform software to remember your passwords click the Paypal name from the Roboform toolbar ) Select go to my account from the drop down box and login. Step 4 your shown your account such as if you have any money added to your Paypal account and recent purchases you made using paypal , eg Ebay auctions prefer you to use Paypal so most peoples first reason to use Paypal is to pay for things bought on Ebay. Now to send money to some one click the send money tab which is 2nd from the left up the top just below the Paypal logo. Step 5 enter the persons email address you want to give money too . I also accept donations to help me run my website WWW. BEINGAHUMAN.BLOGSPOT.COM which teaches people which software to use on their computers and how to install it, which Movies are out in the Cinema or out on dvd, i list hundreds of useful websites to use ( my article 42 found in the archives of september 2005) and of course i deal with mental health and drug issues due to growing up next door to PinkFloyd's Syd Barrett who went mad from using drugs and i use this site to warn people against damaging their brains by using drugs so if you wish to donate any amount of money to me please do. Step 6 enter the amount you want to give the person eg £25 and select the correct currency eg GBP British pounds to pay me, then select what it is your sending the money for eg for goods or for an ebay item or for services ( in my case if paying for my computer help or to donate to me to keep my website running). Then click continue. Ok thats enough help, using Paypal is simple enough..i have more to say about it in my Article 42. Thanks for paying me